How can I transfer my game account from one iOS device to another?
In order to transfer the game data from Device A (iOS) to Device B (iOS), you must be connected to the Game Center. The transfer will not work if you are not logged in to the Game Center.
First, login to your Game Center on Device B. (The same that you are using on Device A)
When you start the game, you'll see the following message
: You are currently logged in under (B). Change to (A)?
Tap Yes or No to confirm.
Warning: Once you transfer your account to the new device, old game data on the device will be deleted and cannot be retrieved.
Please note that while you can play the game with the same account on multiple devices, it can only be played on one device at a time. If you try to play the game on both devices at once, the app will be closed on one of the devices.